Junior Tennis Clinic

Book Time Call the Tennis Center for more information.518.523.2551 ext. 445 tennis@whitefaceclubresort.com

Longest Day Doubles Tennis Tournament

Whiteface Club & Resort Tennis Center 300 Whiteface Inn Lane, Lake Placid, New York, United States

Doubles Tennis Tournament Fund Raiser for Alzheimer's NENY

Junior Tennis Clinic

Book Time Call the Tennis Center for more information.518.523.2551 ext. 445 tennis@whitefaceclubresort.com

Support "The Longest Day" – Join Us to Fight Alzheimer's!

  • Silent Auction with unique items and experiences up for bid.
  • Scramble Golf Tournament starting at noon, with registration available online.
  • Doubles Tennis Matches kicking off at 8 AM, registration available online
  • BBQ Buffet from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Club House, Café on the Green ($50 per person)
  • Live Music on the Veranda starting at 6:00 pM featuring Steve Wyle & Pam Sperling
  • Activities on the Golf and Tennis Courses tied to the event.
  • Live Lakefront Music at 2:00 PM featuring Scott Stilo.
  • Support Alzheimer’s Awareness and Research with all proceeds benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association, Northeastern New York Chapter.